the first of the before/after pics

alright!  so everything I promised in my video tour did not happen.  only one ceiling panel was installed for our first trip.  I have yet to do that one last section of paint over the cab.  BUT she’s functional and we’re LOVING it.  we’ve been out twice for trial runs and we come home every time ready to book the next one.

no need!  we leave a week from tomorrow for our first cross-country trek!  Moho is at the brake shop today getting her rear brakes done.  last week the exhaust system was rebuilt.  Ben took a video afterwards, for your viewing pleasure.

also, I’ve started piecing together some before/after pictures.  turns out we didn’t take near enough before pics.  lame.  these are all of the bathroom, even before everything was done in there.  enjoy!  much more fun to come.

before after bathroom 1 before after bathroom 2 before after bathroom 3

also, to follow our travels (and our home life in Austin, TX) you can find me on Instagram and Twitter as @kmgenovese.  more coming soon!


the Genovese clan